Welcome to Poems for Pilgrims!

A small website that seeks to combine two tremendous forces:


~ the Good News of Jesus

~ the power of poetry

The author humbly hopes that this website will give the living and true God a platform – something that is increasingly rare in the so-called developed world of today.

He further hopes that through the medium of poetic verse, the authentic voice of God will be expressed in an accessible and refreshing way.


The title “Poems for Pilgrims” has been chosen to emphasise that when talking of the things of God, and trying to convey the immensity of Jesus’ good news, we have to admit that we can never say the definitive or final word. If the destination is perfection then we are all of us in mid journey – we live in the present part of the route, with a trail behind us, and unknown territories ahead. The point is to live the journey – the pilgrim travels in humility and usually with little baggage, depending on his God, who in turn depends on other people to administer His blessings along the way. I have had many blessings, many people have ‘been there for me’. I have felt the force of His unconditional love many times, and dedicate this website to you all, those living and those who have gone before us.