Prayer can be very hard, especially private prayer. Let’s be honest about our experiences…
Here I am Lord, sitting still in prayer.
Here I am Lord, wondering if you’re there.
Here I am Lord, ready for us to meet.
Here I am Lord, fidgeting in my seat.
Here I am Lord, quietening down my mind.
Here I am Lord, still divers thoughts entwined.
Here I am Lord, concentrating so hard.
Here I am Lord, will you get through my guard?
Here I am Lord, why is prayer so tough?
Here I am Lord, I could be doing stuff…
Here I am Lord, waiting, waiting, on you.
Here I am Lord, wasting time – things to do!
Here I am Lord, exactly where are you?
Here I am Lord, has our date fallen through?
Here I am Lord, I think I’ll pack this in.
Here I am Lord, my patience wearing thin.
Here I am Lord, what was the point of that?
Here I am Lord, I really do feel flat…
Here I am Lord, cheerio just for now.
Here I was Lord, struggling with our powwow.