The Tragedy of Sin

In Jesus we have the complete answer to sin. Sin which sticks to us like strongest glue is actually impotent and cannot hold us back from life, but it has a special quality that ensures that it is a major player in life’s drama.

What is the saddest thing you know?

Of the many tales of grief and woe,

Is there anything more sad than this:

Sin keeps us from the One we miss.


Whether trifling small or very great,

Sin tends to ripple and reverberate.

Its proven power to engender hate;

A chain reaction to self-perpetuate.


Discerning one’s sin is no easy task:

Gauging one’s guilt is a difficult ask.

But the medicine is available for free:

Mercy – flowing from that ghastly tree.


But let’s be honest here my friend:

Sin’s cancer has a nasty dividend.

Instead of running to our Father’s knee,

We hide in shame… this our tragedy.


Our Father so longs to hold us close,

Yet we stay back, our hearts sclerose.

This Prodigal waits, with bleary eyes,

Horizon long scanned in case He spies.


And when He spots that well loved figure,

He ups and sprints with hasty vigour,

To hug us tight, and hush our laments,

No inquest – let the celebration commence!


From Eden it has always been this way,

To hell’s hilarity and heaven’s dismay.

Sin’s hold is fraud, reliant on deceit:

We starve, yet there is manna to eat.


Evil only wins when good folk give in.

Trust what the Good News says about sin:

When you fall, feel miserable and small,

Go straight to your Father, warts and all.