This is another poem based on the rhyming structure of what is probably my favourite hymn:
My song is love unknown (Samuel Crossman 1664)
My sin is in His bin!
A bin so broad and deep,
No matter what my sin,
Mercy will seal its heap.
For this I know, His mercy’s sure,
Effective cure, heaven bestow.
If I but call on Him,
Contrition all my heart,
Cleave to His anawim,
A sinner, own my part.
He shall receive, with open glove,
Such selfish love, in mercy’s sheave.
What more astounding thing?
That the ineffable,
The true and only King,
Will take my sin withal!
He does not shy, away from me,
Who carved the tree, His Son to die.
Almighty prodigal,
He runs to me with speed!
Embracing, warts and all,
The wastrel in his need.
A feast begun, what’s lost is found,
Let joy abound, reunion won.
There is no sin so great,
That my Lord won’t forgive.
Go in that narrow gate,
Humble and submissive.
And there you’ll meet, a welcome feast,
All anger ceased, all needs replete.
Let me then walk His way,
With humble faithful stride,
And all rejoicing pray,
His gifts may quell my pride.
My heart shall beat, my spirit soar!
Heaven will roar, eternal sweet.