Nothing You Can Do

My favourite favourite subject…

Just how much does God love you?

Just how much does God love me?

When love comes from a perfect heart,

It cannot admit of degree.

With God it’s all or nothing;

No half measures from above;

If we exist and breathe at all,

We’re subject to all of His love.


There is nothing you can do to stop God loving you.


As much as the Father loves His Son,

A love beyond all comprehension,

So too are we held and cherished,

And never beyond redemption.

Fully adopted, co-heirs with Jesus,

No lower league or relegation;

We can throw this love back at Him,

But it’s salvation before damnation.


By virtue of your birth you have value and worth.


We hear talk of ‘unconditional love’;

But what on earth does this mean?

No human love could ever come near;

We have no models, it would seem.

To be wholly loved just for oneself?

With absolutely no strings attached?

Small wonder we struggle with faith,

And grace stays largely unhatched.


There is nothing you can do to stop God loving you.


If we but knew, if we could feel,

The surge of that sacred force;

We would be all transfigured,

Our wills aligned to its course.

We cannot grasp with intellect,

Clever science gauge or detect;

We might catch a heart glimpse,

Or sense through faith’s aspect.


By virtue of your birth you have value and worth.


Know that you are precious to Him,

Wanted and called by your name;

Countless millions may have lived,

But never and no one the same.

Cherished and valued as you,

No matter the facts of your birth;

His choice called you into being,

Minted with matchless worth.


There is nothing you can do to stop God loving you.


What’s the measure of this love?

To God who has chosen it so,

There is nothing and no one,

No power above or below,

Can cause Him to reconsider,

Or in any way change His mind:

His seal is upon us forever,

A huge thumbs up for mankind.


By virtue of your birth you have value and worth.


So there’s NOTHING you can do,

To stop God from loving you!

There’s nothing anyone else can do,

That will stop God loving you.

There is no sin or rejection,

That we could possibly commit,

That would best His love for us,

And make Him say: “I quit!”


There is nothing you can do to stop God loving you.


So let’s all repeat after me:

I don’t need to earn God’s love!

I don’t need to earn God’s love!

I don’t need to earn God’s love!

Our goodness is simply a response,

And the only appropriate one.

An acceptance of His grace;

Read chapter 3:16 of John.


By virtue of your birth you have value and worth.