The Gospel from Behind

The cross of Jesus stands for all time as the symbol of ultimate sacrifice, but it is for many a perplexing symbol. They ask: how could a God of love allow His Son to suffer so? Why did it have to be so? This is a very great mystery.



I often view the Gospel from behind;

Perhaps not the way it was designed.

But nonetheless a useful angle,

If God’s word you would untangle.




If at this you don’t get my scheming,

Let me try to illustrate my meaning:

Which of these two spots is quicker found –

One white, one black, on a dark background?


Likewise the truth can better be proclaimed

When through contrasting medium it’s framed.

The cross of Christ was such a stage:

It was evil’s hour and greatest rage.


Yet in that dreadful damning gloom,

His love’s undying strength did bloom.

Look to the crucifix then my friend,

And know that death is not your end.


In fine, love is never better seen,

Than when set amidst a hateful scene.

So it is that contrast is the key,

That the Holy Spirit employs on me.