The Mercy Quake

Death as the ultimate natural disaster? But seriously, let the message speak out…

Come that sore day when I shall die,

Two great forces will collide in me:

The hard-set granite of my sin, will

Tumble into the depths… of His sea.


Come that dread day when I shall cry

In fear and trembling for sure demise,

My brittle facade of self-steered love,

Will crack when I gaze… on those eyes.


Come that grim day when I shall wail

In terror for grace so blithely wasted,

And beg and plead for yet more chance,

His voice will speak… forgiveness instead.


Come that raw day a mercy quake

Will engulf me and all my busy-ness,

And where I should expect the worst,

His judgment will fall… as tenderness.


Come that chill day when I face God,

The ground of my being will rend apart,

But where pain and desolation should be,

My Jesus will be waiting… with open heart.


Come that mayday, yet near, yet far,

I cannot insure to withstand that quake,

But heed the gospel message that’s given:

Be merciful to others… and stay awake!