Jesus said the truth will set you free, and Pilate said, truth, what is that?
If I am always right,
Then I am fundamentally wrong.
I may tell myself
That I care deeply about the Truth,
That I am a moral person,
That I listen to the voice of God…
But I delude myself.
Only God sees all, sees through all,
And sees with the eyes and heart of purest love.
And I am not God.
My grasp of the Truth is fragile, transitory, biased,
And based on an incomplete comprehension.
God accepts this even if I do not.
My stance in regard to the Truth can only be a humble searching,
With patience to take the time to discern,
And then act from the best of motives,
Ever prepared to stop and reconsider.
This demands a hopeful hesitancy,
And a constant openness to other people and their views.
A loving heart will show the way.
This humility and hesitancy are not weakness,
Nor are they symptomatic of a shaky faith,
Or evidence of a lack of love for God.
This is simple human reality.
If I am always right,
Then I am fundamentally wrong.