17 The Feast of Christ the King
31 The Conceit of Religion
59 The Raspberry Mass
73 Sermonstances
75 Religion
76 True Value
79 Tongue Tied
83 Corpus Christi
91 The Rightligious
102 The Priest
119 A Broader Faith
120 If I were Pope
131 God did Nothing Wrong
133 The Priest Came In
141 Why?
143 The Voyage of the SS Catholic
145 Religion as a Crutch?
157 Not in His Name
161 Sacred Slander
173 A Discerning Scruple
179 One-UpGodShip
197 The Gated Side Chapel
199 His Church is Flung Down
202 Religion has Many Many Faults
215 A Dreary Continuum